Thursday, July 14, 2011

Child Labor

You've met Aggie,

our adorable and 1/3 of the time naughty dog.

She has become quite lucrative for our neighbor kids. Ali and twins Jake & Isaac approached us with their new business  - WE DO DOO-DOO. They clean up dog poop. Only charging 3 cents a poop (and seeing as we're their only clients), we couldn't pass up the opportunity.

The bill and accompanying receipt.
Call us what you want for taking advantage of little children - slave drivers, selfish, heartless *insert your word choice here* - but I believe it was a win-win situation.

*no children were harmed in this. also, we tipped well.


Whitney said...

I think it's wonderful that you are supporting children entrepreneurs! It's pretty rare these days that children want to get out and work, so I'd like to think you are contributing the creation of tomorrow's leaders of business and enterprise.

Whoa...I feel like I'm in a Koch Scholar's meeting...

Katie said...

HAHA! That is so funny. What cute kids!

Katie said...

They had a ball and have held secret meetings discussing spending their money on more dog food for Aggie so you'll have need of their services again soon!

Bekah Condie said...

That's hilarious! Good for them! I think you're getting a bargain though...